The upcoming
2016 election is the first Presidential election that I will be able to vote
in; however, neither of the frontrunners: Hillary Rodham Clinton or Donald
Trump inspires me to vote.
Secretary of
State Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have been plagued
by numerous scandals for the past 20 years. Most recently, her constantly
changing stories about her use of a private Email server to handle top-secret
governmental issues seems to indicate that she is either highly incompetent or
a liar. Furthermore, her recent testimony in the Benghazi hearings proved that
she knew that the attack on our Embassy was by terrorists and did not have
anything to do with the video, as she had originally claimed. Given her
inability to tell the truth, I cannot get excited about voting for a perjurer
for Commander and Chief.
Mr. Trump may be
the most offensive and politically incorrect human being alive. His child-like
insults to other candidates are bad enough; just imagine what he would say to
insult our enemies, many of who have nuclear weapons. He has already outraged
women and Hispanics in this country. While he is no doubt a highly successful
businessperson, he has yet to set forth any policies on how he is going to
solve any of America’s problems other than him telling us “trust me.”
For years, I
have heard my parents complain that they are voting for the “lesser evil.”
Having always looked forward to voting, it is disheartening to think that that
same strategy will likely be how I cast my first vote for President of the
United States of America.