Monday, November 30, 2015

Donal Trump recently re-tweeted this picture:
This tweet is untrue on so many levels. First, Trump claims his source is “the Crime Statistics bureau” which is not even a real agency. Actually, it is the FBI who is responsible for collecting murder statistics; however, the numbers for 2015 will not even be released to the public until the end of the year. Second, based on the most up to date statistics from the FBI (for 2014) the actual facts are that grossly misrepresented.

Trump Number
FBI Number
Trump claim
Blacks killed by whites
Blacks killed by blacks
Whites killed by whites
Whites killed by blacks

Third, eight days later Mr. Trump has not taken down that photo or corrected any of the false statistics later commenting on his post he stated that since it was only a re-tweet he should not be liable for whatever it says. Finally, this is especially offensive since he tweeted this just after being heckled by a “Black Lives matter” activist. Is this merely a coincidence? Or was Trump being blatantly raciest? Trump is leading the GOP poles as of today by 9% and has been for quite some time, and this is not the near the first time he has said something so outrageously wrong and it definitely will not be the last. Trump finds ways to say anything he wants and has yet to really suffer for saying them. Is Trump stupid or are the American people stupid for not calling him out on all of these things?